Anxiety and Panic Disorders
Therapy for Anxiety and Panic Disorders
Get the mental health treatment you deserve in person or from the comfort of your own home.
Mental health treatment should begin where you are and with your needs. We believe that mental health starts with your thoughts, but it doesn’t end there. Mental health should include how you feel, how your body feels, and everything that’s happening around you. That’s why we take a completely holistic approach.
That’s why we focus on what’s going on in your life through tailored, 1:1 individual therapy that you can do right from the comfort of your own home or in person. It’s designed for you, by you.
You don’t have to figure out all the answers by yourself. You can and should have the life you want.
Think you may have anxiety or panic?
Take a free assessment about your mental health to see if anxiety or panic is a part of your life.
Anxiety affects almost a third of the population at any time. 1
Anxiety can feel overwhelming, even to the point of panic. It stops us from feeling as though we can live a meaningful life.
It can feel like a racing heart, difficulty catching your breath, thoughts that won’t shut off, or feeling like you’re losing control. Many people with anxiety are able to live what looks like a completely normal life to others but struggle with their own thoughts and feelings.
Mental Health Treatment on Your Terms

Manage Your Symptoms
Reduce the frequency, intensity, and duration of your symptoms including hyperawareness, sleep issues, constant worry, racing thoughts, and the other symptoms of your anxiety and panic.

Explore Your Past
Find out more about how your past is influencing your present and causing you to worry about your future. Learn more about WHY you are reacting to things the way that you are and what you can do about it.

Regain Your Control
You’re in control. Through a non-judgmental and honest approach to therapy, you can find out more about yourself at your pace by shaping the sessions based on your comfort.
Common Sources
Anxiety and panic disorders can happen to anyone, but not everyone with risk factors will develop them. There is hope and support available for those who do.
Many factors can contribute to these conditions, including genetics, stressful life events, medical conditions, substance abuse, specific phobias, childhood abuse and neglect, and a lack of social support.
Anxiety and panic disorders can be managed and overcome with effective treatments and the right support. Seeking help is nothing to be ashamed of, and with the right mindset and coping strategies, it’s possible to live a fulfilling life without being held back by anxiety and panic.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Constant worry or anxiety about several things that are out of proportion
Overthinking plans and solutions to all of the worst-case outcomes
Thinking situations and events are threatening, even when they aren’t
Racing thoughts that are difficult to control
Indecisiveness and fear of making the wrong decision
Inability to relax, feeling restless, or constantly on edge
Difficulty concentrating or feeling like your mind goes blank
Physical symptoms like fatigue, trouble sleeping, muscle tension, sweating, nausea
Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder)
Being afraid of situations where others may judge you negatively
Being afraid of interacting or talking with stranger
Avoidance of doing things or speaking to people out of fear of embarrassment
Avoidance of situations where you maight be the center of attention
Intense fear or anxiety during social situations
Physical symptoms like blushing, sweating, trembling, shaking voice, racing hearbeat, upset stomach, dizziness
Panic Disorder
Sense of impending doom or danger
Rapid, pounding heart rate
Sweating, trembling, and/or shaking
Shortness of breath or tightness in your throat
Chills and/or hot flashes
Nausea, abdominal cramping
Chest pain
Headache, dizziness, lightheadedness, or faintness
Numbness or tingling sensation
Feeling of unreality or detachment
Feeling intense fear, anxiety, and panic right away when exposed to or even thinking about your fear
Knowing that your fears are not reasonable or as big as you think they are, but can’t control them
Anxiety that gets worse as the situation or object gets closer
Doing everything possible to stay away from what causes you fear
Have physical reactions and feelings, including sweating, rapid heartbeat, tightness in your chest or trouble breathing
Is Therapy Right for Me?
Our approach is focused on finding solutions to your experiences.
We use an integrated approach that is tailored to your needs, including maximizing any resources that you may already have. Using an integrated approach of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), we can begin to explore how your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions are connected and influence each other while breaking any cycles that aren’t working for you anymore.
Through our work together, we can isolate triggers and begin to reconstruct their influence on your life, build better habits and communication skills, and learn new and more helpful ways of managing symptoms while reducing their impact on your life.
Ready to find out more and begin your journey of healing?
Questions? We’ve got answers!
Can’t I manage my anxiety alone, without the help of a therapist?
Many of us have been successful at managing our anxiety throughout our lives, however, if it’s become more intense or frequent, or you’d just like a little extra support, therapy may be a good option. Through the work with a therapist, we can uncover the underlying core source of your anxiety and provide tools to help reduce your anxiety, making it more manageable, even after therapy has ended.
I’m not sure how I would even fit it into my schedule.
We get it. Most people who are looking for support have a tight schedule and finding time can be difficult. Because of this, our anxiety can continue to be a part of our everyday life. To help bridge this gap, our online teletherapy platform allows for therapy wherever you can find a quiet and private place, whether that’s on your lunch break or when little ones are down for a nap.
Can I be cured?
Anxiety and panic can be cured, however, this is different for everyone. We tailor our approach to your specific needs.
Life can be hard, but getting set up doesn’t have to be.
Types of Anxiety Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder)
Panic Disorder
Find out if your insurance will cover treatment
Most insurance companies cover mental health services. Finding out if your insurance will cover your treatment is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Fill out a simple form and let us do the checking for you.